Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Satisfying the Snack 'Witch-Hour'

Knowing what to feed your children during that crucial time of the day between the school pick up and dinner is often challenging. If you are a working parent like myself, your children aren't picked up from school until after 5pm - often closer to 6pm.  Knowing my kids will be hungry between lunch time and when I pick them up, I always pack an extra snack. Because this snack has to last the full day and not spoil as well as the wear and tear it may endure in the lunch pail throughout the day, my snack choices have to be durable, healthy, and not be on the 'ewww' list. So what am I left with? Popcorn, Goldfish, Cheeze-Its, and pretzels have made the top of this list.  My hope is the cracker type snacks will help fill them  up so that by the time I pick them up there is enough in their bellies to hold them until I have dinner on the table in the next 30-45 minutes. 

I also make sure to feed them fresh fruit in the morning with their breakfast, another fresh fruit serving in their lunch pail, and fresh veggies with dinner (I strive for 2 veggies with dinner). By making sure they are getting fresh fruit and veggies at other meals during the day, the guilt factor is reduced with the after-school snack.

To help reduce giving them an additional snack, I make sure to meal plan for the week so when we get home dinner can be on the table sooner rather than later. 

Kid's Health is a very resourceful website offering helpful tips to parents on raising healthy kids. The article, After-School Snacks, offers lots of helpful tips for both young children and teens.

What are your favorite after-school snacks to feed your children? Please share your comments. Thank you!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Full Lake Hollywood Reservoir Walking Trail Now Re-Opened

Photo by sam_frank via the LAist Featured Photos pool on Flickr
Heavily damaged by powerful rainstorms back in 2005, the final segment of the walking trail at the Lake Hollywood Reservoir has been re-opened today, which means the full path is now open for the first time in over seven years.
Those 2005 rainstorms brought a record 35 inches of rainfall in the area, and ensuing landslides caused extensive damage to both LADWP and private property at the Reservoir site.
The damage left the trail unusable, until the eastern portion was re-opened after repairs in 2009. Today, the western portion is now open, too, so visitors, joggers, and meanderers can be off and running (or strolling) around the path in its entirety. The walking trail is open every day beginning at 6:30 a.m. and closing between 5 and 7:30 p.m., depending on the season, adds City News Service.
"The story of Los Angeles is the story of water. Lake Hollywood Reservoir, which is nearly 90 years old, is a local landmark," LaBonge said ahead of today's ceremony. "I am excited to re-open this amenity, which will encourage outdoor fitness and public health."
Agreed! And here's our tip: Combine your Reservoir walk with the hidden staircases of Hollywoodland. Read the plan and look at the photos. Happy trails to you.
Contact the author of this article or email tips@laist.com with further questions, comments or tips.